Alessandro Bascioni

Alessandro Bascioni

Dance Art Therapist

Hello, I am Alessandro Bascioni Dance Art Therapist, I have always been fascinated by life, its complexity and the depth of the human condition. My extensive experience and knowledge of the body and psyche, has fuelled my desire to work with people on their journey in finding integration in self; to respond to the world around them in a healthy and intentional way.

During my 30 years of work in dance and teaching professional dancers and as a therapist, I have developed a strong approach in working with energy helping people to be in the “here and now” to discover a focused state of presence. This enhances ones abilility to feel and express from a place of centredness and strength. With this work, I was able to touch many lives and to witness the curative power of the creative expression.

I am here to help you to find a way to reveal yourself in your life, to achieve a sense of wholeness and fulfilment. Within every session you will be met with empathy and understanding in a non judgemental environment, either in group or individual settings.

As a Dance Art therapist (Symbolic Method) I work with a combination and integration of movement dance and art specific psycho-physical exercises to unblock the energy and release tension in the body. With a form of dynamic breathing and grounding, I will guide you in reconnecting to your inner self which will raise your vibration and help you to find your true self-expression. All this will allow you to have a better understanding of your true nature and will gain a new vitality in your life.

“The journey with Alessandro was of fundamental importance for my personal growth, it gave me the opportunity to open some channels that allowed the start of a process of awareness.” 
  • Danzamovimentoterapeuta Apid® n. 580 con doppia specializzazione:
    Metodo Maria Fux, Metodo Chiave Simbolica® Paola de Vera d’Aragona, Master in Arte Terapia.
    Centro Toscano Arte e Danza Terapia, Scuola riconosciuta APID®, Firenze
  • Diploma Nazionale Aics (CONI) Insegnante Danza Contemporanea IV livello, Firenze
    Insegnante di Propedeutica Livello Unico, Firenze
  • Diploma Quadriennale di Formazione danza contemporanea Hilal Dance®
    Hilal Art Foundation School – S. Gallen, Svizzera
  • Corso biennale per Insegnanti di danza moderna
    Centro Danza e Movimento diretto da Lilia Bertelli, Firenze
  • Formazione in danza contemporanea livello advance;
    Scuola Centro danza e movimento diretto da Lilia Bertelli, Firenze
  • Formazione in danza africana livello advanced. Parigi
  • 2023-2024 Danza ArteTerapeuta TuttaSalute Studi professionali
  • 2019- 2023 Danza Arte Terapeuta Centro Psichiatrico Totem (Comune di Firenze)
  • 2019-2023 Danzamovimentoterapeuta cura per il Centro Toscano Arte e Danzaterapia il Progetto TuttiInsieme CRED Ausilioteca Comune di Firenze, Integrazione Scuole di ogni ordine e grado.
  • 2021 -2023 Danza Arte Terapeuta per il Centro toscano Arte e Danza Terapia con diverse tipologie d’utenza: laboratori, bambini, adolescenti, disabilità grave. Atelier per normodotati di gruppo e individuali in presenza e online.
  • 2022 -2023 DanzaMovimentoterapeuta per EQUIVALENZE (Cantiere delle Diversità)
  • 2020-2022 Danzamovimentoterapeuta Progetto Carcere “Istituto Penitenziario Sollicciano” sezione Femminile e Trans.
  • 2020 – 2023 Danzamovimentoterapeuta Musiken Hus, Gothenburg
  • 2019-2020 DanzaTerapeuta Misericordia di Rifredi
  • 2004 -2023 Docente Formatore Hilal Dance®, per abilitazione all’insegnamento.
  • 2001 – 2023 Docente Intensive Summer School Tanzhaus nrw, Düsseldorf.
  • 2006-2011 Docente Akademie Tanzhaus nrw – Düsseldorf
  • 2007 Docente presso l’Academy de Wallonie – Belgio.
  • 2004/08 Docente The Place – London.
  • 2006 -2008 Docente Micadanses – Parigi.
  • 2006 Docente Dance Base (Centro Nazionale per la Danza in Scozia).

  • 2004 Docente (Guest Teacher) presso il College of the University of Wester Sydney Dance School. Australia.

  • 2003 Docente (Guest Teacher) presso The Wesley Institute, Sydney Australia.

  • 2000 – 2004 Docente Winchester Project, London

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